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This Acceptable Use Policy governs the usage of products and services of Access Granted Systems, LLC or of any third party which are subscribed to or obtained through Access Granted Systems, LLC (the “Services”).

 Acceptable Uses

Access Granted Systems, LLC Services are designed for community swimming pools, membership facilities, or membership base organizations.  Organizations may use, but are not limited to the following Services:

  • Managing access to a facility
  • Application and/or processing approvals for accessing a facility
  • Printing, mailing, distributing identification cards
  • Enforcing rules, policies, and/or bylaws
  • Communicating with members or patrons
  • Collecting applicable membership or access fees

Prohibited Uses

The uses of Access Granted Systems, LLC Services set forth in this section herein below are prohibited. Engaging in any prohibited use as set forth herein by you constitutes a material breach of these terms and will subject your account to immediate termination without notice and without any refund.

  • Spamming
  • Selling or offering illegal goods or services
  • Posting or disclosing any personal or private information without the consent of said party (or a parent’s consent in the case of a minor)
  • Posting, transmitting, displaying or otherwise make available obscene, defamatory, harassing, abusive or threatening language

Site Security and Updates

Access Granted Systems, LLC uses industry standard means of security in connection with the Services. It is exclusively your obligation to maintain and control passwords to your account, and/or web site(s).  You exclusively are responsible for all activities that occur in connection with your username, password, accounts, and registered domain name(s). You agree to immediately notify Access Granted Systems, LLC of any unauthorized uses of the Services or any other breaches of security.

PCI Disclaimer

Access Granted Systems, LLC is PCI compliant. Using our system does not relieve the customer from fulfilling its own requirements under PCI DSS.

Access Granted Systems, LLC may modify this Acceptable Use Policy at any time without notice.  By using our website, service, and/or products, you signify your acceptance of this Acceptable Use Policy.